Kommentti (122)
Saturday, 10 October 2020 12:45
Newfinns legacy...of hopefully present existence..?
The ...site... www.newfinns.com was founded some 5 years ago (could easily be checked via ICANN or respective legal registry...)... Many of the things from that period have been described throughout the horizontal and vertical content of the site, however my personal story regarding Finland, dates since the end of the previous millennium :)… and the story of the new Finns and Europeans dates considerably longer...as I wish to believe that Europe and as a whole…
Read 4766 times
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 08:58
Carlos I (brandy) - a noncommercial consumer review
According to what I’ve been told by a clerk in the Finnish alcohol store Alko, Carlos I Solera Gran Reserva (in the picture above) is on average 10 years old. Regarding that it could be interesting to note that the Solera system “is a process for aging liquids by fractional blending in such a way that the finished product is a mixture of ages, with the average age gradually increasing as the process continues over…
Read 3619 times
Monday, 31 August 2020 16:32
An year of monastery life
"By his measure of approaching God, one becomes more and more aware of one's own imperfection; therefore, "repentance is always appropriate to all sinners and righteous who desire salvation. And there is no limit to perfection ..."". (St. Isaac Sirin , Word 71) - that’s what in my best believe the monks try to live, through prayer, thoughts and action… Already an year I live among them - right now I am in Valamo Monastery,…
Read 1414 times
Friday, 19 June 2020 14:53
EU, citizens, institutions, trust…
In a contemporary civilized society, trust, democracy, and justice are not terms used only in laws, dictionaries and political campaigns, BUT values, norms and practices applied in our daily lives, if not are worth fighting for... Said in other words, trust, democracy, justice and so, are not given for granted somewhere else, but rediscovered within and around us through our thoughts and actions, which lay the ground of well being and civil order, especially in…
Read 2699 times
Monday, 18 May 2020 08:54
Silicone-vibrator consumerism lost in averages, quotes by brilliant minds...
…”Human beings are basically good by nature, but were corrupted by the complex historical events that resulted in present day civil society (Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality”)... ...with” “God is dead”, Nietzsche was not declaring that he had killed God or proven that God was dead. He was saying rather that as far as our culture works, if God were dead it would not make any difference” (Dallas Willard, Nietzche…
Read 5157 times
Monday, 20 April 2020 10:04
Something about the COVID 19 related recession vs monetary and fiscal stimulus…
Given the below presented table as well as some additional information, as of today (20.4.2020) Japan and France have entered an economic recession, which short description is at least 2 consecutive quarters (3 + 3 months) of negative GDP growth. On it's turn China recorded its biggest GDP drop of -6,8% in Q1 of 2020 for long time, which assumes a global chain recession repercussions throughout the rest of the world... A B C D…
Read 2321 times
Thursday, 19 March 2020 09:27
...the immune system...vitamins...bacterias and viruses, including coronavirus…
...In short, every day that we spend healthy is all thanks to our immune system (source Immune System: Innate and Adaptive Immunity Explained, 7’01’’)... Viruses and Bacteria: What's the difference and who cares anyway? - Plain and Simple ... How do vitamins work? - Ginnie Trinh Nguyen ... Boost your immune system to fight the corona virus ... # ... # ... # ... Why fighting the coronavirus depends on you … Kind regards, .....…
Read 1734 times
Friday, 21 February 2020 18:20
VALITUSOSOITUS 18.11.2019 - 21.2.2020 Kenelle Työeläkeasioiden muutoksenhakulautakunnalle, osoite PL 28 (käyntiosoite: Ratapihantie 11), 00521 HELSINKI. Viitaten työntekijän eläkelakiin (TyEL 133 §), kuitenkin valitus toimitetaan ensisijaisesti valituksenalaisen päätöksen antaneelle eläkelaitokselle, joka on Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö VARMA, osoite Varma, Muutoksenhaku, PL 3 00098 VARMA, sekä KELA:aan. Ks. myös P.S. Valitusosoitus Päätökseen 29.10.2019 (postituspäivä 30.10.2019, ks. Liite Päätös (VARMA)) Valitus-kohdat Viitaten EU:n sosiaaliturva-asetukseen,täytäntöönpanoasetus (EY) N:o 987/2009 (III,34§2), sekä vähintään TyEL (28 §,35 §) haetut kuntoutustuki / työkyvyttömyyseläke, vuoden 2014…
Read 3108 times
Monday, 17 February 2020 13:09
… return to innocence … redefinition of truth … from 3 towards infinity …
“When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. … source” … May 1 be God, let 2 be His creations … then all the ...rest..., including the satan ..., could be assumed somewhere between 3 and … infinity {in absolute values} … and what you call truth matters substantially…!!! For instance for our Lord, prime dimensions of … life are light, love and truth…
Read 3051 times
Friday, 31 January 2020 12:43
...Gott sei dank…
Hello, for those of you who have already read some of the newfinns.com’s articles or browsed through it’s pictures or/and music choices, I want to once again state, that all of my content published at newfinns.com, Facebook (Rostislav Dinkov), Linkedin, Twitter and etc. is public and free to NON COMMERCIALLY reshare or good-will use! However since lately I started to picture also food, beverages or other … fun to see and often enjoy products, producers,…
Read 1865 times