Kommentti (123)
Saturday, 10 October 2020 12:45
Newfinns legacy...of hopefully present existence..?
The ...site... www.newfinns.com was founded some 5 years ago (could easily be checked via ICANN or respective legal registry...)... Many of the things from that period have been described throughout the horizontal and vertical content of the site, however my personal story regarding Finland, dates since the end of the previous millennium :)… and the story of the new Finns and Europeans dates considerably longer...as I wish to believe that Europe and as a whole…
Read 4942 times
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 08:58
Carlos I (brandy) - a noncommercial consumer review
According to what I’ve been told by a clerk in the Finnish alcohol store Alko, Carlos I Solera Gran Reserva (in the picture above) is on average 10 years old. Regarding that it could be interesting to note that the Solera system “is a process for aging liquids by fractional blending in such a way that the finished product is a mixture of ages, with the average age gradually increasing as the process continues over…
Read 3730 times
Monday, 31 August 2020 16:32
An year of monastery life
"By his measure of approaching God, one becomes more and more aware of one's own imperfection; therefore, "repentance is always appropriate to all sinners and righteous who desire salvation. And there is no limit to perfection ..."". (St. Isaac Sirin , Word 71) - that’s what in my best believe the monks try to live, through prayer, thoughts and action… Already an year I live among them - right now I am in Valamo Monastery,…
Read 1520 times
Friday, 19 June 2020 14:53
EU, citizens, institutions, trust…
In a contemporary civilized society, trust, democracy, and justice are not terms used only in laws, dictionaries and political campaigns, BUT values, norms and practices applied in our daily lives, if not are worth fighting for... Said in other words, trust, democracy, justice and so, are not given for granted somewhere else, but rediscovered within and around us through our thoughts and actions, which lay the ground of well being and civil order, especially in…
Read 2816 times
Monday, 18 May 2020 08:54
Silicone-vibrator consumerism lost in averages, quotes by brilliant minds...
…”Human beings are basically good by nature, but were corrupted by the complex historical events that resulted in present day civil society (Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality”)... ...with” “God is dead”, Nietzsche was not declaring that he had killed God or proven that God was dead. He was saying rather that as far as our culture works, if God were dead it would not make any difference” (Dallas Willard, Nietzche…
Read 5354 times
Monday, 20 April 2020 10:04
Something about the COVID 19 related recession vs monetary and fiscal stimulus…
Given the below presented table as well as some additional information, as of today (20.4.2020) Japan and France have entered an economic recession, which short description is at least 2 consecutive quarters (3 + 3 months) of negative GDP growth. On it's turn China recorded its biggest GDP drop of -6,8% in Q1 of 2020 for long time, which assumes a global chain recession repercussions throughout the rest of the world... A B C D…
Read 2432 times
Thursday, 19 March 2020 09:27
...the immune system...vitamins...bacterias and viruses, including coronavirus…
...In short, every day that we spend healthy is all thanks to our immune system (source Immune System: Innate and Adaptive Immunity Explained, 7’01’’)... Viruses and Bacteria: What's the difference and who cares anyway? - Plain and Simple ... How do vitamins work? - Ginnie Trinh Nguyen ... Boost your immune system to fight the corona virus ... # ... # ... # ... Why fighting the coronavirus depends on you … Kind regards, .....…
Read 1825 times
Friday, 21 February 2020 18:20
VALITUSOSOITUS 18.11.2019 - 21.2.2020 Kenelle Työeläkeasioiden muutoksenhakulautakunnalle, osoite PL 28 (käyntiosoite: Ratapihantie 11), 00521 HELSINKI. Viitaten työntekijän eläkelakiin (TyEL 133 §), kuitenkin valitus toimitetaan ensisijaisesti valituksenalaisen päätöksen antaneelle eläkelaitokselle, joka on Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö VARMA, osoite Varma, Muutoksenhaku, PL 3 00098 VARMA, sekä KELA:aan. Ks. myös P.S. Valitusosoitus Päätökseen 29.10.2019 (postituspäivä 30.10.2019, ks. Liite Päätös (VARMA)) Valitus-kohdat Viitaten EU:n sosiaaliturva-asetukseen,täytäntöönpanoasetus (EY) N:o 987/2009 (III,34§2), sekä vähintään TyEL (28 §,35 §) haetut kuntoutustuki / työkyvyttömyyseläke, vuoden 2014…
Read 3263 times
Monday, 17 February 2020 13:09
… return to innocence … redefinition of truth … from 3 towards infinity …
“When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. … source” … May 1 be God, let 2 be His creations … then all the ...rest..., including the satan ..., could be assumed somewhere between 3 and … infinity {in absolute values} … and what you call truth matters substantially…!!! For instance for our Lord, prime dimensions of … life are light, love and truth…
Read 3216 times
Friday, 31 January 2020 12:43
...Gott sei dank…
Hello, for those of you who have already read some of the newfinns.com’s articles or browsed through it’s pictures or/and music choices, I want to once again state, that all of my content published at newfinns.com, Facebook (Rostislav Dinkov), Linkedin, Twitter and etc. is public and free to NON COMMERCIALLY reshare or good-will use! However since lately I started to picture also food, beverages or other … fun to see and often enjoy products, producers,…
Read 2118 times
“Prohibition of murder, theft, and perjury are found in nearly every legal code. Notion of respect for once parents and admonitions against adultery are also implicit if not explicit in the quasi-legal realm of normative rules that order many societies. (Hence) few people, if any, will dispute that the 10 Commandments - and its parallels from other ancient cultures - as well as other directives contained in the Pentateuch of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures,…
Read 5070 times
Tuesday, 17 December 2019 11:41
...an orthodox soul, along western dimenssion...
1) Jesus to a Child George Michael “2) Kindness 3) In your eyes, I guess You heard me cry You smiled at me Like Jesus to a child 4) I'm blessed 5) I know 6) Heaven sent, And Heaven stole You smiled at me Like Jesus to 7) a child 8) And what have I learned, From all this pain 9) I thought I'd never feel the same About anyone Or anything again 10) But…
Read 2693 times
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 15:25
Живот по Божията воля, старец Силуан Атонски
Ще направиш голямо добро на себе си ако се предадеш на Божията Воля.Тогава самия Господ е в душата.Никоя друга мисъл не може да влезе, и душата усеща Божията любов, дори и тялото да страда.Когато душата е предадена изцяло на волята на Бог, самия Господ я взема в ръката си и душата се учи директно от Него.Докато преди това Тя се е обръщала към учителите и писанията за поучение.Но рядко се случва учителят на душата да…
Read 1599 times
Saturday, 30 November 2019 05:45
из Премъдрост Соломонова / from Wisdom of Solomon
“А праведникът и да умре рано, ще бъде в покой, защото не в дълговечността е честната старост, и не с броя на годините тя се измерва. Мъдростта е седина за людете, и безпорочният живот – възраст на старостта. Като благоугодил Богу, праведникът е обикнат и, като живял посред грешници, е прибран; грабнат е, да не би злоба да измени разума му, или коварство да прелъсти душата му.”(Премъдрост Соломонова 4, 7-11) ********* "But though the righteous…
Read 2191 times
Thursday, 28 November 2019 07:19
...Some more divine insight...
“Което е тайно, принадлежи на Господа, нашия Бог, а което е явно - нам и на синовете ни довека, за да изпълняваме всички думи на тоя закон.” (Второзаконие 29:29) ********* “Той се явява не според същността, защото никой не е видял, нито е прозрял в Божието естество, а според благодатта, силата и енергията, които у Отца, Сина и Светия Дух са Общи.” (Св. Григорий Палама - Изповедание на вярата) ********* “Имам още много да ви…
Read 4209 times
Wednesday, 20 November 2019 00:56
...Some divine wisdom...
...”Блажен човек, който е придобил мъдрост, и човек, който е спечелил разум, защото нея да придобиеш е по-добре, отколкото сребро да придобиеш, и печалбата от нея е повече, отколкото от злато. Тя е по-скъпа от драгоценни камъни; (ни едно зло не може да й се противи; тя е добре позната на всички, които се приближават към нея,) и нищо, което е теб въжделено, не ще се сравни с нея. В десницата й е дългоденствие, а…
Read 22891 times
Thursday, 10 October 2019 19:26
Rila monastery, a spiritual hub of living faith...
Spiritual insight through Orthodox chants, a piece of the living spirit of the monastery Духовност в православни песнопения, част от живият дух на манастира Elävä henki Ortodoksisilla lauluilla osaa luostaria Truly yours, Rosti
Read 1985 times
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 16:34
Tuomiokirkko aurinkoisenakin päivänä
The Holy Father, Son and Spirit...along the spirit of silence and the chant of the bells (Rila monastery, 22.9.2019) In the heart of Helsinki stands a Cathedral (Tuomiokirkko), a prominent landmark of the city and pretty much of the Finnishness itself, as of course taking the positive legacy of a father (Nicholas I), and a son (Alexander Nikolaevich II). The Cathedral is protestant (Evangelical Lutheran) and was built as a tribute to Nichlas I, however…
Read 2113 times
Thursday, 30 August 2018 15:02
My last salary from Kauppalehti...vs Bulgaria and other parts of the EU…
Let’s start with the salary account itself (in Finland everything in that...accounting regard is sound, I mean that every month the salary department of one’s employer sends the salary bill to several instances, including your bank, where it’s saved for at least 5 years…). So according to it my previous (2014) year my cumulative brutto-salary was 53 017,82 €, from which 13 992,54 € taxes were paid (precalculated, could be leveled backwards…) and my basic…
Read 2160 times
Hello again everybody, this time I will share with you a yesterday experience when I was hit by a car while crossing a pedestrian road (look the picture above) at around 10 a.m. The main road, blvd Ruse is the street on the left, the secondary road, Neofit Rilski (marked with a triangle) is the one from the right, where the...worn but existing pedestrian road is located...I was crossing down (towards the triangle-sign) wearing black…
Read 2319 times
Wednesday, 22 August 2018 12:01
Free spirit, consumerism and something else…
How do you, your culture and perception define free spirit? Well a common dictionary definition would say “noun -an independent or uninhibited person; synonyms - individualist, individual, nonconformist, unorthodox person, unconventional person, original, eccentric, bohemian, maverick, rare bird, rarity…” . I would also add that a culture and/or a nation could be more or less free spirited than another, which may refer to compilation of factors, such as legal system, educational level, religion/system of beliefs,…
Read 1951 times
Friday, 17 August 2018 06:39
Cultural and language insights of perception
Have you ever thought why people from different times and cultures (language groups) laugh and cry at different things...A simple assumption would be - because they perceive the World differently...at least so says Nietzsche “that the World as we know it is a construction of the human mind, of language, of social structures” which builds our perspective for good and bad, funny and sad and so on and it is culturally divergent. For instance the…
Read 1907 times
Sunday, 05 August 2018 11:25
...Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life....
Larger Than Life Бекстрийт Бойс I may run and hideWhen you're screamin' my name, alrightBut let me tell you nowThere are prices to fame, alrightAll of our time spent in flashes of light All you people can't you see, can't you seeHow your love's affecting our realityEvery time we're downYou can make it rightAnd that makes you larger than life Looking at the crowdAnd I see your body sway, c'monWishin' I could thank you in…
Read 2025 times
Saturday, 07 July 2018 13:44
Лъв и Naarasleijona/Lioness.......+
...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iNejfZgemM.... RGD
Read 1856 times
Wednesday, 04 July 2018 05:30
...the Call...
...Backstreet Boys - The Call (Lyrics)... Kind regards,...
Read 2251 times
Saturday, 30 June 2018 09:09
Educational level and GDP correlation...
A point I would argue is that there should be rather direct correlation between educational level and GDP per capita, which in a contemporary society is considered a basis for well-being and prosperity. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/2015/08/12/education-can-boost-gdp-even-more-than-we-thought In other words, if there's one investment that policymakers should make to boost the country's GDP, it's investing in schools.University of Munich's Ludger Wössmann wrote the paper as a way to convince policymakers of the strong connection between education and the…
Read 2951 times
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 06:29
ИЗТОК – ЗАПАД – 011 by Momo Kapor
http://forum.all.bg/showflat.php?Number=18529&page=0 - thank you all.bg Rosti New Finns P.S.-1 Случва ли Ви се все още да намирате из...публичното виртуално пространство Ваши постове от преди 15+ :) години…? На мен ми се случи………..и това :), и си позволявам да го препубликувам и на newfinns.com. Да много неща са променени и много в текущото ежедневие са напълно нови…:), но лично аз продължавам да вярвам, че разказът на Момо е значимо интересен…(2018) Поместеното по-долу е публикувано от "Оптимист.."…
Read 2108 times
Monday, 25 June 2018 06:46
Let’s talk about…
Let’s talk about sex..., though in the Bulgarian format there is a saying, saying that “money and sex are...done :) not talked…”. However since currently I have neither of them, let me try to share some of my past experience and level of comprehension of the matter...However trying to keep the things confidential and hopefully educationally interesting, I’ll not disclose identity details about my partners...or even direct experience... According to Wikipedia, sex/sexual intercourse is: “Sexual…
Read 2672 times
Saturday, 23 June 2018 09:22
Серебро: Журавли (2.2008)...Rosti...Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls [HQ]
Read 2170 times
Thursday, 21 June 2018 06:03
A Latin, rock and something else sensation...
.......A latin, rock and something else sensation......... Truly ... Ваш, R........
Read 2245 times
Sunday, 17 June 2018 04:27
...Lorelei - Scorpions…(lyrics…)...
...Lorelei - Scorpions…(lyrics…)... There was a time when we sailed on together Once had a dream that we shared on the way There was a place where we used to seek shelter I never knew the pain of the price I would pay You led me on with a cloak and a dagger And I didn't know you had made other plans You had me believe we were meant for forever I really thought my…
Read 2853 times
Thursday, 14 June 2018 08:48
Resistance - ...newfinns.music...compilation…
Resistance - ...newfinns.music... compilation… 2CELLOS - Resistance [LIVE at Arena Pula] PAIN - On and On (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Scorpions - The Good Die Young (Videoclip) Helloween - Power (with lyrics) Manowar - Blood Of My Enemies Metallica - Disposable Heroes (Live in Mexico City) [Orgullo, Pasión, y Gloria] Rammstein - Du Hast (Official Video) Город 312 - На безымянной высоте Gary Moore - Out In The Fields - HQ A`Studio Нам нужна одна победа…
Read 2403 times
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 12:20
Bulgarian format vs Finnish format...
Hello, those of you who have already browsed through newfinns.com, may have noticed that during the process of severe harassment and discrimination against me and my family (look point 3…), I have been diagnosed...with bipolar disorder+^...as well.. Then in another one of my articles (look the last three paragraphs…) I have tried to state that, surely by growing up within two cultures, the Bulgarian and the Finnish ones, I have developed a kind of multicultural…
Read 2448 times
Friday, 08 June 2018 09:56
Toto/Lotto net it down…
Let’s say that this is a kind of story of a fisherman playing toto/lotto (depending on how it’s called at your area :) ). The general case of this game is a main set of “N” numbers out of which “n” are chosen fairly..., without repetition… However, since our fisherman is not very good in probabilities let’s try to give an example with numbers from the Bulgarian surroundings where there is such a game called…
Read 2866 times
Thursday, 07 June 2018 06:38
Newfinns.com and GDPR
As many of you already know recently became into force the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR EU 2016/679), which regulates data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), regarding also the transfer of data and its privacy outside those areas...Then according to Wikipedia the core of the regulation might be briefed as : “Business processes that handle personal data must be built with data protection…
Read 2054 times
Friday, 01 June 2018 05:15
Love through sense of summer…
Hello in my previous story I’ve asked (in Finnish ) – have you ever thought how much truth there is in the lyrics of the songs, as I also referred that in the past the verbal communication and the folklore were the main means of transferring knowledge, wisdom, problems, dreams etc. between people and generations...Well despite that, the music vibrations often touch one of our prime life-senses the hearing, even without understanding the words of…
Read 2199 times
Monday, 21 May 2018 12:43
Pahempi toistaan vs Someone else
Oletko koskaan miettinyt kuinka paljon totuutta on laulujen teksteissä? Asiaa ei ole uutta, vanhoina aikoina kun kirjallisuus ei ollut keksitty tai ainakaan leveästi käytetty, kertomatarinat ja folkkloori ovat olleet tavallaan kansanmuisti viisauksista, ongelmista, uskomuksista, toiveista jne. jotka ovat olleet osaa ihmisten elämää. Tietääkseni Suomen kulttuurissa tärkeä folkkloorin-kansanmuistin-henkilö on Paraske, vaikka en ole varma kuinka paljon nykyinen nuoriso hänestä tietää? Sanon sitä, koska suomen kirjallisuus on melko nuorehko asia ja sellaisten henkilöiden kertomat ovat säilyttäneet sitä…
Read 2859 times
Friday, 18 May 2018 16:31
What is success...
”Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal” – Earl Nightingale vs “what good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit/lose their soul” – Matthew 16:26? The answer to that would differ along cultures, societies and personalities, yet have you ever asked yourself what future do you discount in your present actions? Regarding the latter have you ever thought that the contemporary science explains relatively well about…
Read 3099 times
Tuesday, 01 May 2018 10:20
Oikeusvaltio vs virkamiesvaltio, Suomi ja empatia
Viimeaikoina olen FB:ssa lukenut useita tarinoita, joissa kerrotaan ongelmasta jossa pieni ihminen kohtaa melko institutionaalista epäoikeudenmukaisuutta. Näin ollen Suomessa on jotenkin totuttu että pieni ihminen melko varmasti häviä riita valtiota tai isoa instituutiota vastaan, myös tapauksissa joissa kirjattu laki, inhimillisyys ja järki edellyttävät toista. Suomen kielessä on jopa keksitty sana – ”paperisota”, tilanteesta jossa useimmiten pieni ihminen taistelee oikeuksistaan ja toiselta puolelta saadaan pitkiä usein ennalta kirjattuja kirjeitä, joissa ”papukaijataan” yleispäteviä lakipykäliä vahvemman haluamalla tavalla.…
Read 2309 times
Saturday, 07 April 2018 18:16
Facing death made me appreciate truth even further...
Facing death is part of life and quite likely unique personal experience which sooner or later each one of us faces... Surviving death personally is likely chance that only some of us have, so here my personal story. During my lifetime so far I first faced death at 13 when I felt down from a roof while picking up berries from a nearby tree. I believe having relatively good memories of that distant 1986-case, I…
Read 3074 times
Sunday, 18 March 2018 18:57
Dasein, humanity and artificial intelligence
Dasein is a concept of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger and in the contemporary Wikipedia for it is said “(German pronunciation: [ˈdaːzaɪn]) is a German word that means "being there" or "presence" (German: da "there"; sein "being"), and is often translated into English with the word "existence". It is a fundamental concept in the existential philosophy of Martin Heidegger, particularly in his magnum opus Being and Time. Heidegger uses the expression Dasein to refer to…
Read 4047 times
Friday, 02 March 2018 15:22
Paljonko Suomalaisuudesta on suomettumista?
Siihenkin nähden oli mielestäni hyvä dokumenttisarja ”Suomi on venäläinen”, jossa toki käsiteltiin pitempää aikaväliä Venäjän, Pohjolan ja Suomen kehityksestä kun suomettumisen ajanjaksoa (1 sarja siitä). Välitettävästi dokumentti ei ole enää katsottavissa Yle areenan kautta eikä ”Suomi on ruotsalainen”:kaan! Joka tapauksessa nykyisessä Wikipediassa suomettumisesta sanotaan: ” (saks. Finnlandisierung) tarkoittaa voimakkaamman valtion vaikutusvaltaa heikomman naapurimaan asioihin. Käsite esiteltiin alun perin Itävallassa jo 1950-luvulla, mutta sitä alettiin käyttää ahkerasti Saksan liittotasavallassa 1960-luvun lopulla. Termiä käyttivät alun perin liittokansleri …
Read 2612 times
Tuesday, 06 February 2018 17:29
Nationalism vs patriotism and what about multiculturalism
Hello, almost a year since I am in Bulgaria and I continue to face challenges with being inter-culturally understood and that’s to some extend due to the fact that different cultures often use same words, but with slightly or greatly different meaning. For instance the adjective national (Fin kansallinen) in English, Finnish and Bulgarian means pretty much the same – “relating to a characteristic of a nation; common for a whole nation. In the Finnish…
Read 3620 times
Wednesday, 03 January 2018 16:11
Miksi piti poistua Suomesta
Säilyttääkseen terveyttäni! Siis luit oikein, säilyttääkseen terveyttäni, koska aloittanut laittomalla irtisanomisella syrjintä-kierre, jatkoi pakkohoidolla hyvinkin instituutiomallisella tavalla, joka tälläkin kerta ei poikennut edellisen (In memoriam) artikkelin trendistä – siis olin kahdesti 2015 ja 2016 Joulukuussa pidätetty Suomen Poliisilta, jonka jälkeen ohjattu pakkohoitoon Aurora sairaalaan. Rehellisesti sanoen olin tietoinen sanonnoista että Suomessa ”kaikki pakotetaan samaan purkkiin” tai että ”hän joka poikkea joukosta, tehdään hulluksi”, mutta en halunnut uskoa että Suomessa toimitaan edelleen näin, siis miedosti sanottuna…
Read 3614 times
Sunday, 31 December 2017 12:25
Ницше “срещу“ Исус Христос
Поместеният тук материал е съкратена версия на лекция на Далас Уилард, чийто авторски права са притежание на Veritas Forum. Материалът е публикуван със съгласието на Veritas Forum и ако искате да се запознаете с оригиналната видео-лекция (на английски) моля посетете следният линк. Не е лесно да се говори за Ницше нито пък за Исус Христос. Удивително е как имена, личности и концепции биват корозирани, така че понякога истинността и същността им биват скривани. Но тук…
Read 3389 times
Sunday, 17 December 2017 19:55
Nietzsche vs Jesus Christ
The following material is a brief of a lecture by Dallas Willard published and copyrighted by the Veritas Forum. The material is published with the consent of the Veritas Forum and if you want to see the original video -lecture it is here. It’s not easy to think about Nietzsche and it’s not easy to think about Jesus Christ. It’s amazing how names and personalities and concepts become incrusted, so that sometimes the very thing…
Read 4081 times
Thursday, 07 December 2017 13:27
Latin music mix – artists, lyrics
Latin music mix (click on the hyperlink and enjoy :)). I’ve just compiled some latin songs that might share or improve your mood :). And since in the very nature of newfinns.com lay democracy, diversity and transparency next I shall list the music mix/playlist with lyrics (English translation) and some information about the singer/s (all hyperlinked below). Luis Fonsi – Despacito ft Daddy Yankee IAmChino - Ay Mi Dios Pitbull, Yandel, CHACAL CNCO – Reggeaton…
Read 3051 times
Wednesday, 06 December 2017 12:16
Greeting from President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö to Finnish expatriate communities
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! Kind regards, Rosti
Read 2373 times
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 13:16
Св. Тихон Воронежский - Отечник
От килийните писма на Св. Тихон Воронежский Светото Писание е слово Божие. То ти говори, както и на всеки човек. То ти е дадено за получаване на вечно спасение, поради което търси спасението си в Словото Божие – Свещеното Писание. Престани да любопитстваш какво се случва тук и там, а се постарай да разбереш какво се случва в душата ти с помоща на Божието слово, към каква окончателна цел си тръгнал – към погибел или…
Read 2939 times
Hello, after a long break due to external to me things… I’ve decided to try to present an interactive article about Chatbots-software, artificial intelligence and their day to day use trough a set of compiled by me information. If you read and watch trough the videos it should become clear that more and more the bots and the AI enter our contemporary lives, as I just hope that it should not be misused... Chatbot Wikipedia…
Read 3548 times
Wednesday, 21 December 2016 10:23
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with from health, free will and money upwards… Весела Коледа и Честита Нова Година с от здраве, свободна воля и пари нагоре... Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta ja olkoon terveydestä, vapaasta tahdosta ja rahasta ylöspäin… Kind regards, Rostislav Georgiev Dinnkov
Read 2825 times
Friday, 09 December 2016 08:24
Against his will
Yesterday (8.12.2016) Rostislav Georgiev Dinkov (270373-xxxx) was caught on the street of Helsinki and against his will was brought to the Aurora Hospital. He is being drugged without any explanation or reasons why he is there. No protocol or documents given for this act the institutions made against him. A free democratic society as Finland claim to be should know better. Marin Marinov
Read 1570 times
Saturday, 26 November 2016 09:53
Kind regards, Rosti(slav Georgiev Dinkov...)
Read 2855 times
Sunday, 20 November 2016 13:17
And again…(...could evolution be imitated...maybe NOT...)\manipulated +?-......
..........About Some realities....:);;;;;;;here........ Truly yours(...to secure peace is to secure NOWAR :)), Rostislav Georgiev Dinkov ,
Read 3061 times
Monday, 14 November 2016 18:16
A comment towards... "Programming human beings to built a hate free Internet"...
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/facebook-twitter-want-stop-abuse-should-study-how-two-michael-casey Starting with interpretation of a quotation I recently heart (aiming meaning all the wayJ): “be critical(pessimistic?) of your (present) claims, but positive/optimistic of your will...”, I would dare bring to your attention the last paragraph of the very article above: “Like it or not, social media is here to stay. In giving rise to a giant, global pool of shared ideas, it could be the most important change in mass communication since Gutenberg’s bible.…
Read 4501 times
Friday, 11 November 2016 12:07
"Dance me to the end of Love" - In memoriam of Leonard Cohen
https://www.google.fi/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=leonard+cohen+dance+me+to+the+end+of+love+lyrics Dance me to your beauty with a burning violinDance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely inLift me like an olive branch and be my homeward doveDance me to the end of loveDance me to the end of love Oh, let me see your beauty when the witnesses are goneLet me feel you moving like they do in BabylonShow me slowly what I only know the limits ofDance me to the end of…
Read 3664 times
Tuesday, 01 November 2016 15:00
Some dimensions of the current geopolitical picture (me, you and the big World around)
“Sorosoid” (a person who likes George Soros...), Russophile, anti-American, Russophobe and so on. Those are stereotyping expressions used very much in the current Internet discussions. The stereotypes tend to frame one’s views towards the strongholds of the contemporary geopolitical tension-poles, which intentionally or unintentionally deepens those divisions... Yes in the social media there are all kinds of “antti…..” and “pro……..” profiles and groups including propaganda, manipulation and thralling (people who are willing/paid to support or…
Read 4203 times
Sunday, 16 October 2016 14:43
1) Arithmetical introduction That’s an equation in a sequence given as follows: 1+4=5; 2+5=12; 3+6=21; 8+11=?..., and I got it from a friend in Facebook (FB). Normally I do not pay attention to such questions, but this time I decided to answer. Before me there was a guy who has given 19, which is the direct answer of the visibly given 4th sum and why not could be accepted as a correct answer if you…
Read 4532 times
Wednesday, 12 October 2016 17:56
Joukkokiusaaminen, savustus työpaikalla, henkinen väkivalta jne. Suomeksi netistä löytyy hyvinkin paljon tarinoita yllämainituista aiheista em.: https://www.google.fi/… https://www.google.fi/… Jotka nykylainsäädännön mukaan ovat suurimmalta osin joko häirintä, syrjintä tai kiusaamista ja näin ollen rikoksia. Liittyen niihin haluan tuoda esiin että mielestäni kyseessä on lähinnä järjestelmä-ongelma, joka toistuu, siitä jopa joskus puhutaan, mutta siihen ei pudota ja näin kirjattu laki ja todellisuus ovat kaksi eri asiaa. Suomessa usein sanotaan ”maassa maan tavalla”, mutta se mitä Uuden Sukupolven Suomalaisena…
Read 2918 times
Sunday, 02 October 2016 14:06
Suomen loton uudistus 27.11.2016 – todennäköisyyslaskentaa
Hei, noin viikko sitten havaitsin lottokupongista että Lotto uudistuu ja se on kaikki mitä minulla on lähtötiedostona. Sen mukaan 27.11.2016 lähtien Lotto uudistuu niin että veikataan 7 päänumeroa 40:stä+1 lisänumero (27.11.2016 saakka ehdot ovat: 7 päänumeroa 39:stä+2 lisänumeroa). Mitä se tarkoittaa todennäköisyyslaskennan kautta? Aloittaen laskennallisesti vaikeammasta päästä ensiksi esitän taulukon, josta voit nähdä peräkkäisten lukujen todennäköisyys kuin puhutaan kaikista mahdollisista 40/7 kombinaatioista (vanhan 39/7 laskelman voitte nähdä tästä): Taulukko 1 peräkkäisyys 7/40 N Jakauma g…
Read 4333 times
Saturday, 24 September 2016 18:30
"Game over" – a big anti-racism and "anti-fascism" protest in Helsinki, Finland
To be honest I’d have wished that this protest had no reason to happen, instead it turned to be one of the biggest local people gatherings in recent times, with attendance of up to 15 000 people. And as you can guess from the heading it came as a response to the rise of local far-right movements and the recent death of Jimi Karttunen 28, who passed away after an incident with a member of…
Read 3556 times
Saturday, 03 September 2016 17:42
Google/netti ja oikeudenmukaisempaa yhteiskuntaa
Se ei paljon minua auta mutta silti, Uuden Sukupolven Suomalaisena ja Eurooppalaisena uskon sen olevan pieni askel parempaan, silloin kuin instituutiot eivät toimi oikeudenmukaisesti (artikkeli lisätty 23.11.2021). Muun muassa tänään havaitsin että kahdelta minuun ja perheelleni kohdistuneeseen rikoksen osalta, Tatu Kaskelan ja Seppo Waltimon, Googlen haussa tulee In memoriam (Suomi), heti heidän kuvan jälkeen. Siis vaikka nimellisesti ja erittäin korkealla henkilökohtaisella hinnalla, mielestäni hakutulos on osaa toimivaa digitaalista demokraattia johon melkein jokainen meistä voi tarvittaessa…
Read 3067 times
Thursday, 18 August 2016 16:06
Exactly a year since the funeral of my father
(for more see: In memoriam) and the search words New Finns (www.newfinns.com) rank at the top positions in most of the prime search engines in the World: (www.google.fiN1;www.yandex.ruN1;www.yahoo.comN1; www.baidu.comN2 ; www.bing.comN3 and so) and my father would be proud of that ............. That is despite the fact that after January 2016 I have not published a new article on the site and that’s for very clear reason............ Furthermore despite the severe setbacks for me and…
Read 3513 times
Monday, 18 January 2016 17:22
Open application (reposted)
Rostislav Dinkov Open Application Helsinki 6.10. 2016 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. My name is Rostislav Dinkov an (used to be) expert in financial analysis and I wish to apply for relevant to my education- and work experience positions. Financial and accounting areas in which I have particular interest for example are IAS/IFRS standards and consolidated financial statements, plus of course my robust experience in financial analysis. Mergers and acquisitions is an area I have long wanted to develop…
Read 3820 times
Friday, 15 January 2016 16:06
Avoin hakemus (uusinta)
Haen analyyttistä kykyä ja asiantuntemusta ulkoisen laskentatoimeen ja/tai rahoitukseen liittyviin tehtäviin. Osa-alueita joista olen varsinaisesti kiinnostunut ovat konsernintilinpäätös (FAS/IFRS) mm konsollidoinnit, sisäisten katteiden eliminoinnit jne., sekä IAS/IFRS standardit ja sovellukset. Yritysjärjestellyt ovat osa-alue johon olen pitkään halunnut erikoistua ja uskon että minulla on siihen vahvat valmiudet. Hyvää päivää! Olen hakeutumassa Aalto-yliopiston Rahoitus ja sijoitus F.E.C. -koulutusohjelmaan (F.E.C. = Further Educated with Companies). Ohjelmaan kuuluu tasokkaan koulutuksen lisäksi noin puolen vuoden työskentely valitussa kohdeyrityksessä. Näissä merkeissä…
Read 3250 times
Sunday, 20 December 2015 15:38
Stop existing and start living....
There are better ways to........ ”pretend” than beautiful, but quite often empty wording- something like “.....stop existing and start living....” . Or said otherwise, if you count life by past by years, without sharing value with the Nature and other living creators......on your grave-stone well might be written “life that could well have been left unlived.....”........... Without judging, I may well call the latter, a nominal life, regardless of its year-length J. Kind regards, Rosti…
Read 3369 times
Saturday, 19 December 2015 16:01
.....the differences within and around us :)........including the beautifully versatile and mighty nature, here on the Earth and beyond, I mean the space...... ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kind regards, Rosti
Read 3445 times
Monday, 14 December 2015 11:12
Merry Christmass..........
http://www.lyricsfreak.com/c/chris+rea/driving+home+for+christmas_20030635.html and the song :) Chris Rea – Driving Home For Christmas Lyrics I'm driving home for christmasOh, I can't wait to see those facesI'm driving home for christmas, yeaWell I'm moving down that lineAnd it's been so longBut I will be thereI sing this songTo pass the time awayDriving in my carDriving home for christmasIt's gonna take some timeBut I'll get thereTop to toe in tailbacksOh, I got red lights on the runBut soon…
Read 3602 times
Sunday, 13 December 2015 20:24
DOXA - did you know .....
(Source: Doxa's 125 anniversary jubilee catalogue) Well that's the watch in question ... and that's a jubilee watch ... Doxa Calex Anemone, I gave to a person I appreciate............ P.S. The source of the Chief Instructor's******* DOXA SUB 300T watch is the 125 Jubilee DOXA catalogue, which I got with the purchase of my new DOXAJ............. Kind regards, Rosti .............
Read 4408 times
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 17:00
Sight 9.12.2015
Well today I had a medical check of my eyes (also added 15.12.2021 as the front picture) ........................, if you want check the Sbt.pdf attachment. Kind regards, Rosti ................
Read 2961 times
Tuesday, 01 December 2015 11:39
About my sight and .... morally outdated and corrupted system.....
P.S. My correct phone number is +359896604085, as announced at the contact information :),( P.S.2 If you want to see more about my sight …, click at the interactive Rosti J below (at PC and a phone the interactive pdf content will open slightly differently...) ... and then at your browser’s back button ... if you want to go back to the site ..... P.S.3 Crime/Rikosilmoitus ....... Kind regards, Rosti
Read 3268 times
Monday, 30 November 2015 13:11
The 400+ euro phone-bill Finland-EU paid!
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/metallica/welcomehomesanitarium.html "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" Kind regards ++++++, Rosti ...... Welcome to where time stands stillNo one leaves and no one willMoon is full, never seems to changeJust labeled mentally derangedDream the same thing every nightI see our freedom in my sightNo locked doors, No windows barredNo things to make my brain seem scarredSleep my friend and you will seeThat dream is my realityThey keep me locked up in this cageCan't they see it's why my…
Read 3107 times
Saturday, 28 November 2015 15:41
Просто подари .....
Kind regards, Rosti....... ............ PS (3.10.2023) Paljonko Suomalaisuudesta on edelleen suomettumista?
Read 2865 times
Friday, 27 November 2015 11:51
Allegro - Someone Else Lyrics
http://www.songlyrics.com/allegro/someone-else-lyrics/ It's time to change, there's no looking back, I'm for real this time, u gotta make a change... Right now it’s time for action addicted to making it happen Flipping the scratch now picture that oh they miss you mast u –u know they will for this one crack sale U can see me stranded in hell landed in jail ` with my black mail in hail got a deep concussion from busting no…
Read 3495 times
Monday, 16 November 2015 12:55
The size might matter, BUT the BRAIN matters further ….
Cited by memory: “During my life I’ve been trying to gather all the best from all around me, BUT after all being a person with free will, I’ve been the best student of myself!” Giacomo Casanova ,,,,,......'''''.....la BoMBA,,,,aaaa and Boom Shack-A-Lack P.S. Cited by memory and/or... level of comprehension: “Life (human...) is the biggest stage on Earth and we are the best actors on it ... William Shakespeare (some perform as Chief Commanders of the…
Read 3503 times
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:05
Love-born, instead of oblong-boxed....
Hello this time I’ve decided to try to share some value of one of the cultures I’ve grown up, via interactive song-like :) translation. So here is the song J ......,,,,,, and below is my try for interactive-meaning translation. I mean that I’ve tried to translate the meaning of the Bulgarian text into English, as in between (the interactive blue words) I’ve put some vertical newfinn.com-like content, yours could be different... Where does love start…?…
Read 4535 times
Monday, 09 November 2015 06:03
Ranskalaisviivoilla .........
-People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centred, Forgive them anyway ……….. -If you are kind people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives Be kind anyway ………… -If you are successful you will win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway ………….. -If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you Be honest and frank anyway ………….. -What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight Build anyway …………. -If you…
Read 3273 times
Wednesday, 04 November 2015 10:13
Crime, prejudices and “used to be” things...
A) CRIME - well that’s an event that happened a few days ago and I really can’t say much more about it, except a sad but true story and ... you won’t break me, you won’t take me.... I sent the text bellow to Mr Jyrki Katainen as both a human and a Vice President of our EU..... Dear Mr Katainen, as a person and a leader whom I personally appreciate a lot, with regret…
Read 3265 times
Thursday, 29 October 2015 12:29
As Chief Commander of the shared value of my life, here a piece of it shared with You :)
Some pictures from Gran Canaria P.S. Just to mention that my week on the wonderful Gran Canaria was not a pleasant one, BUT despite that I did some nice pictures ............... Kind regards, Rosti
Read 3607 times
Monday, 26 October 2015 19:40
Something more about the discrimination against me and my family, with some real names and...
... few facts, which should be cleared out in an official Police investigation – for now I Rostislav Georgiev Dinkov have requested a police investigation twice from the Finnish Police and once from both the Bulgarian Police and Regional Court of Pleven, where is my Bulgarian residence. Appeal for official Police investigation In brief I was several times threatened by my boss Tatu Kaskela that they... (Alma Media ...the Finnish system...or?), will prove me crazy…
Read 5313 times
Monday, 19 October 2015 13:53
Kind regards... :) ...........
Kind regards; Поздрави; С уважением; 親切的問候;معأطيبالتحيات;친절감사; Freundliche Grüße; Cordialement;speco salutoj;Ystävällisin terveisin;Cordiali saluti;敬具;Atenciosamente; Срдачан поздрав;saludos cordials;Med vänlig hälsning;Saygılarımla.... Jozithobayo..............:) Rosti P.S. + all friendly languages all over J .......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfS_FQxPl3I :) ................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Read 3575 times
Friday, 16 October 2015 19:15
When nothing else than brighter future matters …
It is said that “one or we J could be limited within our goals or “limitless/quite opened” within our devotion”. In normal life it could be something like – your boss, of the type “the disproportionally small” or “the invisibly big”, (each of whom was something like half of an almost empty set J...), ordered you to budget exactly “X” eurocents J for research and development (R&D) and even though you might clearly see that…
Read 3583 times
Tuesday, 06 October 2015 18:12
An example for creative difference
If you have some time, please watch the youtube clip (till the end) – everything in it is real and in my view shows well why creative difference cannot be repeated/copied... well the judge tried at the end ..... Jos teillä on vähän aikaa, katsokaa musiikkivideon (loppuun saakka) – kaikki siinä on todellista ja mielestäni on hyvää esimerkki miksi luova erilaisuus ei voi toistaa …siis tuomari yritti lopussa …. Ако имате малко време, моля изгледайте…
Read 4666 times
Saturday, 03 October 2015 16:45
Antiracism protest or …?
Hello, for today in Helsinki and some other places in Finland, was planned a big anti-racism protest … I accepted a Facebook invitation to visit the Helsinki part and so I did, for about 15 minutes... After that I just went away ... To be honest I have not much to say, except the fact that I have never in my life seen so much uniformed Police at one place... For me this is sad…
Read 3169 times
Friday, 02 October 2015 10:21
Something about the value of human life...
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away ... :), source”. Whoever might have said this, that’s quite likely a touchy-meaning translated into many languages, as well as felt deeply throughout cultures and age groups. But how a contemporary person understands meaning? That in my words could be described as a level of perception corresponding to the individual’s personal qualities and capabilities, given…
Read 9535 times
Monday, 28 September 2015 10:57
About knowledge, science and education …
Have you ever thought that the branches of contemporary science, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and so, are actually concepts created by really bright and inspired :) minds in order to close the gap between personal/human and universal knowledge :), there are definitely other reasons :):). Said otherwise the given three “disciplines” are part of the branches of natural science and could be described as our best way of expressing our understanding of the (particular)…
Read 5966 times
Friday, 25 September 2015 15:55
Something about God ...
Well that’s a really deep and serious subject, concept or whatever else you or the different cultures might believe in. As a normal small person here I’ll try to share some thoughts about Him, the way I happened to perceive them throughout my upbringing, education and life so far :). I was born in (at the time) a communist state (Bulgaria) and in my family and schooling God and religion were something like taboo, yet…
Read 6436 times
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 10:37
The freedom of our choices ….
Hello, we the people on this planet live in different cultures and societies having different degrees of freedom, in terms of the way they are ruled and organised for instance. In that regard some societies are considered as democracies, others as autocracies and so, but regardless of the ruling way (I do not underestimate the often great differences among the different systems, just do not aim to accent on them...), we are always set in…
Read 5534 times
Sunday, 20 September 2015 15:23
Creativity (out of the box...) – a conceptual dimension
Hello, recently I discussed with a friend and our talk lead us to an event which happened while I was a student at the Academy of Economics D.A. Tsenov, Svishtov, Bulgaria. The precise year could have been 1996, but that’s irrelevant to the topic. Anyway we were attending a course of something like “national planning” and the auditorium was big and full, the name of the Professor was Panaiotov, at that time he was already…
Read 5621 times
Wednesday, 16 September 2015 10:18
N1 in Google and Yandex
Hello again, well don’t know how you will take it but a few days ago I personally was thrilled because of the fact that the search with key words new finns in Google resulted as follows: We overtook Wikipedia for just 8 months (at least for a moment, as far as I understand the search order is adaptive to the openings/indexing of a site during some period of time) and that’s thanks to you all…
Read 3455 times
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 10:55
Vähän nykypäivää koskevia FB ajatuksiani
Hyvät FB ystävät, mikäli Uuden Sukupolven Suomalaisena ja Eurooppalaisena yritän kohdata ystäviäni ja muuten ihmisiä tasapuolisesti, tässä jaan kanssanne muuttamaa riviä. Olen hyvin iloinen että sekä FB ystäviäni että varsinkin newfinns.com kävijämäärä kasvavat hyvin ja kai niihin liittyen viimeaikoina olen saanut jokin verran kutsuja ”like my page” tyypillä – joista osa olen hyväksynyt, toiset olen lähinnä tarkoituksellisesti jättänyt hyväksymättä, mutta se ei tarkoita että arvostan toiset enemmän kuin toisia. Joten tässä vähän lisää, vaikka periaatteistani…
Read 2726 times
Monday, 14 September 2015 08:48
Investment agility in fragile global environment
P.S.-1 (5.2.2020) ... The article below is written already more than 4 years ago, yet I still believe that it contains good groundbasis for souls and minds, who want to dig deeper into the matter. After 2014, due to my professionally developed illness ... , I personally have stepped aside from the financial world (world with a small letter ... substantial, yet incrementally small part of the Universe.... :) ) and 4 years are very…
Read 5803 times
Wednesday, 09 September 2015 13:50
Our EU ...
Hello, this time I am writing you from Bulgaria where I came because of my father – more about it you could read here: https://newfinns.com/index.php/comments/item/63-in-memoriam-english . I could not attend his funeral, but in gratitude towards his legacy I wrote the already mentioned article and write this and vigorously support newfinns.com – all of which I am sure my father would love. Well the sad reality is that we were badly discriminated, exactly because of…
Read 5257 times
Thursday, 03 September 2015 07:14
Hyvät ystävät ja hyvinvointiyhteiskuntamme jäseniä. Eilen sain s-posti lakimieheltäni, koskien minun laiton irtisanominen Kauppalehdestä ks. : https://newfinns.com/index.php/comments/item/62-in-memoriam Kyseisessä s-postissa (en julkaise sitä mahdollisen tutkinnan takia) sanotaan että Kauppalehti pyytää poistamaan sivultani sitä koskevat tiedot 4.9.2015 saakka, jollei se tapahdu Kauppalehti tekee asiasta tutkintapyynnön. Hyvää niin, jos katsotte linkin tekstiä läpi, minä ja lakimieheni olemme tehneet jo 2 tutkintapyyntöä Suomen Poliisille ja mitään ei tapahtunut. Sen lisäksi kaikki linkissä esitetyt asiat pitävät paikkansa ja minulla on…
Read 2999 times
Monday, 31 August 2015 08:45
An interactive CV or cover letter concept
Hello, here I made an English version of the interactive application concept, as I call it and would like to make something like discussion about it. How do you see it? What could be done better or created in different way and so. Well my idea is to present bigger amount of information, within half a page. The information in question is hyperlinked under the key words bellow, which in my view helps the reader…
Read 3482 times
Monday, 24 August 2015 09:40
Avoin hakemus
Haen analyyttistä kykyä ja asiantuntemusta ulkoisen laskentatoimeen ja/tai rahoitukseen liittyviin tehtäviin. Osa-alueita joista olen varsinaisesti kiinnostunut ovat konsernintilinpäätös (FAS/IFRS) mm konsollidoinnit, sisäisten katteiden eliminoinnit jne., sekä IAS/IFRS standardit ja sovellukset. Yritysjärjestellyt ovat osa-alue johon olen pitkään halunnut erikoistua ja uskon että minulla on siihen vahvat valmiudet. Hyvää päivää! Olen hakeutumassa Aalto-yliopiston Rahoitus ja sijoitus F.E.C. -koulutusohjelmaan (F.E.C. = Further Educated with Companies). Ohjelmaan kuuluu tasokkaan koulutuksen lisäksi noin puolen vuoden työskentely valitussa kohdeyrityksessä. Näissä merkeissä…
Read 3237 times
Wednesday, 19 August 2015 18:54
In memoriam (English)
Yesterday was the funeral of my father and may he rest in peace! Officially he passed away from cancer and until the very end he was sending his greetings to the good people in Bulgaria, Finland and elsewhere. And trying to make the World a better place, as the Greens like to say, here I shall disclose some dark shadows around newfinns.com which have also accelerated the disease of my father. Even though the Finish…
Read 7473 times
Tuesday, 18 August 2015 16:35
In memoriam (Suomi)
Hei tänään haudattiin isäni ja olkoon hänet lepoon! Virallisesti hän kuoli syöpään ja viime metrien saakka oli lähettämässä terveisiä hyville ihmisille – Bulgariassa, Suomessa ja muualla. Ja yrittäen parantaa maailmaa, niin kuin Vihreät myös sanovat, tässä osa newfinns.com :in pimeää puolta, joka käytännössä kiihdytti isäni sairautta vakavasti. Vaikka tähän asti Suomen Poliisi kieltäytyy virallisesta tutkinnasta asiat kanssani kehittyivät niin, että kirjoitettuani artikkelin ”To my Finland with love, ks. liite ) työnantajani johto tuli huolestunut minusta…
Read 7578 times
Monday, 10 August 2015 11:13
Su(u)rullista todellisuutta ja jälleen herätys Suomi
19 vuotta sitten, 1990-luvun puolivälin jälkeen, kun olimme puolisoni kanssa Interpedian adoptiovalmennuskurssilla, meidät osallistujat pantiin pohtimaan rasismia ja sitä mahdollisuutta, että ulkomailta adoptoidut lapsemme joutuisivat rasismin kohteeksi. Muistan, miten ajattelin silloin, että sitten, kun meillä on lapsia ja varsinkin kun he kasvavat isommiksi, Suomessa ei enää ole rasismia. Ajattelin, että kun Suomeen tulee enemmän ihmisiä ulkomailta, täällä totutaan myös ulkonäöltään erilaisiin ihmisiin. Olin niin lapsellisen naiivi, että ihan vakaasti uskoin näin. Enkä sitä paitsi ollut…
Read 3147 times